Barack Obama is opening his talks with Chinese president Hu Jintao by saying that strong dialogue between the US and China benefit not just those two nations but the whole world.
The seminar on climate change with a focus on China held at the Asia Society in New York last week was quite a surprise.
The Chinese mainland has reported 69,160 confirmed cases of A/H1N1 flu, with 53,612 cases recovered and 53 dead as of Sunday, according to China's Ministry of Health, reported.
The Duffys' house on the west side of Vancouver has a red-painted door with two stone lions on each side. Inside are rooms decorated with cloisonne, paper-cut, wash paintings, a lion dance mask, embroidery and other examples of Chinese cultural heritage.
A state media report says a massive landslide in northern China partially has buried a village and killed at least 23 people, and that rescuers are seeking survivors
Barack Obama was in typical eloquent form Monday for a signature "town hall meeting" with a difference.China awaits US climate pledge Obama lends ears to young Chinese
Cellist in tune with president's calendar
As US reviews its restrictions on hi-tech exports to China, the Ministry of Commerce's spokesman urged the US to shorten the timetable for loosening export controls.
United States President Barack Obama's participation in yesterday's town-hall meeting with Chinese youth in Shanghai sharpened the contrast between him and his predecessors on several levels.
Hillary Clinton, the United States secretary of state, refashioned Monday a line from the US movie Field of Dreams to urge American companies to sponsor the country's pavilion at next year's World Expo in Shanghai.
Though the international community is under the dual pressure of a global financial crisis and a global food crisis, China now has a favorable food security situation, Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu said here on Monday.
When Wang Bangyin tried to hug his son, the three-year-old boy dodged behind a policeman and cried in fear.