
Book examines female superstars

By Associated Press in New York ( China Daily ) Updated: 2014-07-16 07:10:30

Book examines female superstars

Jennifer, Gwyneth & Me: The Pursuit of Happiness, One Celebrity at a Time By: Rachel Bertsche Publisher: Ballantine Books Year Published: 2014 Price: $24 Pages: 258

Book examines female superstars

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Book examines female superstars

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Author and celebrity-watcher Rachel Bertsche spent nearly a year emulating the lifestyles of several famous female stars, seeking contentment, productivity and better arms.

Her new book, Jennifer, Gwyneth & Me: The Pursuit of Happiness, One Celebrity at a Time, is The Happiness Project meets People magazine.

Most celebrities are graced with devotees and burdened with haters, and this book - like the A-listers it covers - will likely face both. Some will hail it as a fun, thought-provoking, self-improvement memoir, while critics may call it self-indulgent and shallow.

There may be some readers who find the idea of taking life advice from celebrities questionable, but Berstche - a journalist and former editor at Oprah Winfrey's magazine - creates a voice that is self-deprecating and relatable.

She knows her target female audience, and her research and writing skills make it an easy read. Throughout the book, Bertsche asks why women (including herself) are fascinated by celebrities and often see them as role models.

Each of the eight chapters focuses on one celebrity's particular assets and expertise, in an area the author would like to tackle to lift her self-esteem.

"A complete overhaul is too overwhelming. You don't always know where to start. Comparing yourself to others isn't necessarily the healthiest method of self-improvement. But if it's impetus to get started, is that so wrong?" asks Bertsche.

Bertsche is thoughtful about her goals in the project, honest about her successes and failures, and reflective about the results. She studies Jennifer Aniston's eating habits and exercise regimens to feel better about her body, looks to Sarah Jessica Parker for fashion tips and envies Beyonce's ability to work, parent and love gracefully.

Taking cues from stars' lifestyles posed challenges. It's easy to complain that stars have more money and access, but Bertsche gets creative by bartering baby-sitting and copy writing for a gym membership, and modifying recipes and clothing choices to save money.

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