
Leopard Lau still partying well into her naughty forties

By Hu Deman ( China Daily ) Updated: 2009-05-21 09:38:18

Marriage changes some people but not everyone. Although the actress Carina Lau, 44, only recently tied the knot with heartthrob Tony Leung, 47, it seems the leopard has not changed her spots and she has reverted to her default party animal personality. According to the website, she hit the clubs last week and was even spotted holding another man's arm at a hotel.

Leopard Lau still partying well into her naughty forties

It's been just over 10 months since the two A-list actors celebrated a fairytale wedding in the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan after a courtship that lasted nearly 20 years. They said they would try for a child but have so far come up short, despite visiting fertility experts and temples to pray for a newborn.

"We won't force it to happen, Tony and I have reached a consensus," Lau was reported as saying, then she upped the ante on a visit to Taiwan a couple of weeks ago when she revealed to reporters there would be no artificial insemination or test-tube babies.

Leopard Lau still partying well into her naughty forties

"Experts" quoted by the website said there was pressure on Leung to have kids and carry on the family line. Others said the couple should have a physical checkup and refrain from smoking or drinking, sleep well and have a healthy diet. None of which is advice that Lau is taking to heart.

Leopard Lau still partying well into her naughty forties

What is it with Hong Kong celebrities and family planning? Last week we reported that former beauty queen Michelle Reis doesn't want a kid. This week we learn that HK actress and singer Miriam Yeung has made a deal with her husband-to-be that they will have just one baby. Oriental Sunday said the 35 year old would next month be marrying a younger man, 30-year-old Ding Tsz-ko, who comes from an old money family, and only agreed to the wedding being moved from Hong Kong to Shanghai on the condition they had just one child.

Leopard Lau still partying well into her naughty forties

A beauty contest story that slipped under the radar last week was The World Supermodel Pageant in Taichung, Taiwan, hosted by the city's tourism bureau and an Australian modeling organization, according to Apple Daily. It was supposed to be an international event but nine of the 24 women were found to be Aussies pretending to be from other countries.

Finally, Zhang Ziyi is back in the gossip columns for all the wrong reasons. She doesn't seem to be able to do anything right and you do wonder whether it's her or a hostile press. The latest negative article from a Japanese magazine called Women Thinking of Themselves recounts a recent flight to London from Japan. Bated breath, what did she do? An airlines stewardess reports that Zhang ordered three pots of instant noodles, in addition to the regular in-flight meals. Her "sin" was not finishing the noodles and putting her feet on the seat. Zhang's agent denied the rumor and explained that his client doesn't like instant noodles.

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