
Making moves in the online movie market

By Xu Fan ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-05-28 07:19:50

Making moves in the online movie market

The Internet film Running! F is a Chinese version of the Cinderella story. Photo provided to China Daily

A subsidiary of online video giant iQiyi has streamed its first full-length motion picture-the company's latest bid for a bigger slice of China's massive online video market.

iQiyi's newly established subsidiary, iQiyi Motion Picture, streamed its first feature-length title, Running! F, on May 22. The company had revealed plans to produce eight movies with Chinese and Hollywood filmmakers last year.

Running! F is a 106-minute romantic comedy narrated by a 20-something college graduate struggling to realize her dream of becoming a costume designer.

Chen Huan, famous for his work as a variety show host on Zhejiang Satellite TV, co-directs the movie along with Dong Wei. Chen also plays the owner of a design studio.

Although the film does not appear any different from a regular movie, with high-quality cinematography and sound, the film was not created for the cinemas but for the computer screen.

Producer and distributor, iQiyi says that the film has been tailored for the online market and created based on big-data research on netizen's preferences. It will only be shown on iQiyi's streaming website.

Co-director Dong says the "funny and grassroots-style" theme is a Chinese version of the Cinderella story, and will strike a chord with young people struggling for their dreams in big cities.

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