
Different styles come together in father-daughter show

By Deng Zhangyu ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-10-28 07:42:04

Different styles come together in father-daughter show

One of Peng Wei's installations features a painting on a mannequin.[Photo provided to China Daily]

"They grew up in different times and developed their styles in different directions. We can feel the love between them and their works," Ching says.

Peng Wei's Letters From a Distance include several long scrolls featuring landscape paintings accompanied by calligraphy of letters translated from master composer Mozart's letters to his father.

One traditional ink painting on scroll depicts a father walking in the night with his little girl and another shows a general in ancient times reading a letter from home.

"Mozart often wrote to his father, talking about his jobs and his girlfriend in letters. The close relationship between him and his father is like mine with my father," Peng says.

"Before going to university, I never left my father. The letters are a metaphor to show me missing my father."

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