
Chopsticks Brothers to perform Little Apple at American Music Awards

( ) Updated: 2014-11-17 11:15:57

Chopsticks Brothers to perform <EM>Little Apple</EM> at American Music Awards

Chinese singer-songwriter Liu Huan says success in music cannot be cloned. [Photo/Agencies]

Veteran Chinese musician says "Yes" to Little Apple

China's veteran singer and songwriter Liu Huan said he liked Little Apple during an interview with

"Everybody's singing and dancing with Little Apple and I think that's a good phenomenon."

However, Liu did stress that success in music cannot be "cloned" this way forever. In Liu's opinion, pop music is similar to fashion. The trends for the next season are always released beforehand during fashion weeks and designers are not inspired by what people already wear on the street.

"If you want to lead in music, you can't write music to pander to the latest trends in listeners' tastes. You should have the confidence to write the type of music that you like," said Liu.

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