China / Society

Shenyang street vendor offers grilled crocodile

By ZHENG JINRAN ( Updated: 2014-07-22 17:08

On hot summer nights, business at street barbeque stands is booming as diners relish roast meat dishes, accompanied by cold beverages. In Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning province, one such stand is offering crocodile meat.

Since Sunday, a street barbeque stand in the city has had a live crocodile, more than one meter long, tied outside, with its jaws taped shut. Another crocodile has been beheaded and is sliced up on the stand’s chopping board, reported on Tuesday.

A sign advertises a plate of grilled crocodile meat for 50 yuan ($8.05). Xiao Xu, a resident of Shenyang who asked to use an alias, said it is horrible to see the beheaded crocodile. Reports said only two diners had bought the special while crowds simply took photographs.

As yet, there has been no information about the source of the crocodiles.

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