
A Xinjiang Uygur photographer's documentary

By Wang Kaihao ( China Daily ) Updated: 2016-06-23 07:29:00

A Xinjiang Uygur photographer's documentary

Li Yapeng, actor-turned-entrepreneur from Xinjiang. [Photo/IC]

Other than celebrities from Xinjiang like actor-turned-entrepreneur Li Yapeng, actress Tong Liya and singer Parhat Halik, the director also focuses his lens on ordinary natives, ranging from a kebab vendor in Beijing to entrepreneurs and second-generation migrants to Shanghai.

Interviewee Kahal Basir, a 35-year-old man from Aksu, runs an English-language training center for children in Jinhua, a small city in eastern Zhejiang province.

He says in the documentary that he has faced many challenges in his career while trying to find a wife.

Although his school once went through many difficulties, the man believes it will expand nationwide in the future.

"Since I've chosen this road, I will stick to it. What I want is simple: to help more children," Kahal Basir says.

"When people are exposed to a multicultural environment, their horizons can be expanded and they won't be narrow-minded."

Other than offering Kahal Basir a chance to speak about his life and work, the documentary brought him another benefit. He fell in love with an interviewee, also from the show, and recently married her.

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