World / Opinions

Sincere moves needed to jumpstart China-Japan relations

[2013-09-18 17:30]

There is no month like September that witnessed so many major events on the bumpy road of China-Japan relations.

Japan's behavior obstructs development of ties

[2013-09-11 17:13]

The days of countries riding roughshod over China have long gone as seen by China's firm resolve and ability to defend its territorial sovereignty, said an article in the People's Daily.

Japanese intransigence blocks progress

[2013-09-11 07:54]

Barring a change of mind on the part of the Japanese government, the territorial issue surrounding China's Diaoyu Islands seems unlikely to be resolved anytime soon.

Diaoyu issue gets more complex

[2013-09-10 07:19]

Because of the Diaoyu Islands dispute, China-Japan relations have become more complicated and could have a serious impact on security in East Asia.

Grasping Abe's real objective

[2013-09-09 07:04]

It seems an awkward moment for Abe to be trying to reverse decades of strategic stagnation with an approach in which peace and trust are entirely lacking.

Tokyo's lack of sincerity means no China-Japan summit at G20

[2013-09-05 17:27]

With both Chinese and Japanese leaders gathering in the Russian city of St Petersburg for a G20 summit on Thursday, curiosity arose over the possibility of a sideline contact between the two neighboring countries.

Japan in danger of losing moral compass

[2013-09-04 07:31]

The words and deeds of Shinzo Abe and his cabinet reflect the Japanese right-wing conservatives' distorted view of the postwar international order.

Should Japanese politicians visit Yasukuni shrine?

[2013-08-15 14:43]

Should Japanese politicians visit Yasukuni shrine?

China Youth Voice: My view of China-Japan ties

[2013-08-15 08:53]

Does China's youth still have confidence in China-Japan relations? We would like to invite five talented young people to share their comments on this contentious issue.

Tensions with Beijing rooted in Tokyo's politics

[2013-08-08 07:14]

The strained China-Japan relationship is the most telling witness to how Japan's diplomatic policies have been held hostage by its domestic politics.

Japan's blare has a purpose

[2013-07-10 08:10]

Preparations for attempted "invasions" by other countries are on Japan's radar though its 2013 defense white paper admits the possibility is remote.

Abe's plot to contain China is doomed to fail

[2013-06-14 06:41]

Since taking office as Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe has been launching frequent diplomatic blitzes targeting China.

Trudeau visits Sina Weibo
May gets little gasp as EU extends deadline for sufficient progress in Brexit talks
Ethiopian FM urges strengthened Ethiopia-China ties
Yemen's ex-president Saleh, relatives killed by Houthis
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