World / Opinions

Abe's dastardly antics backfired at Davos

[2014-01-29 08:07]

As the four-day annual jamboree of ideas and opinions wound down in Davos, Switzerland on Saturday, the general verdict on the diplomatic offensive of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was it had failed.

Abe's dastardly antics backfired at Davos

[2014-01-29 07:49]

As the four-day annual jamboree of ideas and opinions wound down in Davos, Switzerland on Saturday, the general verdict on the diplomatic offensive of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was it had failed.

Japan's NHK is right-leaning

[2014-01-28 07:53]

Spats between Japan and its Asian neighbors over its imperialist history escalated again after the new chairman of NHK, Japan's public broadcaster, claimed that the Japanese imperial army's "comfort women" brothel system was "common" worldwide during World War II.

Japan's NHK is right-leaning

[2014-01-28 07:53]

Spats between Japan and its Asian neighbors over its imperialist history escalated again after the new chairman of NHK, Japan's public broadcaster, claimed that the Japanese imperial army's "comfort women" brothel system was "common" worldwide during World War II.

Japan's NHK is right-leaning

[2014-01-28 07:35]

If Japan wants to be accepted as a responsible member of the regional and global community, it has no choice but to face up to history and sincerely apologize for its wartime wrongdoings.

Abe still self-contradictory

[2014-01-24 07:13]

One moment, he sounded perfectly sane, alerting the world to the dangerous tensions that could potentially tear East Asia apart.

Abe still self-contradictory

[2014-01-24 07:13]

One moment, he sounded perfectly sane, alerting the world to the dangerous tensions that could potentially tear East Asia apart.

Abe still self-contradictory

[2014-01-24 07:13]

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ravings in Davos showed he is desperate for a way out. Yet his behavior leaves him no chance of finding one.

Reminder of Japan's past

[2014-01-22 08:19]

The unveiling of a memorial to the Korean freedom fighter Ahn Jung-geun, at the railway station in Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang province, on Sunday, commemorates his bravery against Japanese aggression and reminds people not to forget the past, says a Xinhua News Agency commentary.

Reminder of Japan's past

[2014-01-22 07:43]

With Japan treading a dangerous path once again, the need for vigilance and joint international efforts is clear if we are to prevent a Japanese militarist resurgence.

Japanese germ-war atrocities undeniable

[2014-01-17 07:23]

This provocative act infuriated Chinese, Russians, Koreans and other victims of Japanese brutality before and during WWII and has left them wondering how far Abe and a Japan will go to deny history

Japan's hysteric desire for global sympathy

[2014-01-11 07:24]

The bickering between Chinese ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming and his Japanese counterpart has been a huge media sensation.

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