
Top 10 Chinese music festivals

( ) Updated: 2013-11-26 10:36:10
Top 10 Chinese music festivals

Modern Sky Festival and Strawberry Music Festival [Photo/File Photo]

4 Modern Sky Festival and Strawberry Music Festival

The Modern Sky Festival is an outdoor rock music festival which takes place in Beijing, China's capital city. The festival was first held in 2007, and has taken to the stage once a year ever since, under Modern Sky record label. Strawberry Music Festival, which runs under the same label, features the themes of "Springtime, romance and love." Strawberry has risen to the top of the list for the indie crowd and is considered to boast the largest variety of music among all Chinese festivals. Modern Sky is a Chinese independent music label which has managed to secure the majority of hip and happening Chinese bands.

Top 10 Chinese music festivals

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