China / Society

Voice of Buddhism to be heard more widely

By WANG XIAODONG ( Updated: 2015-04-22 16:12

The Buddhist Association of China is to conduct more overseas exchanges, Master Xue Cheng, the newly-elected president of the association, said on Tuesday.

"Chinese Buddhism has been attaching importance to exchanges overseas, and we will continue to have more extensive and intensive exchanges with countries and regions in South Asia, Southeast Asia and other parts of the world, so Chinese Buddhism's voice can be heard by more international friends," Xue told a news conference.

He also called on Buddhists in China to follow the trend of the times and devote more effort to charity and contribute more to society.

Xue was elected president at a national congress which ended on Tuesday. More than 600 delegates from all 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities on the Chinese mainland attended. Also elected were 32 deputy presidents.

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