China / Society

Seminar for experts to exchange views on Tibetan studies

By Cui Jia (China Daily) Updated: 2016-08-01 07:46

An international forum for academics to discuss the latest research into Tibetan studies will start in Beijing on Tuesday.

The three-day Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies, the sixth since 1991, will be attended by 325 scholars and observers from China and abroad, according to the China Tibetology Research Center. The first seminar attracted about 80 experts.

Some 308 papers have been selected for the event, covering topics such as religious studies, contemporary politics, social transformation, economic development and the Belt and Road Initiative, said Li Decheng, a researcher at the center.

The reincarnation of Living Buddhas will be a main topic, he said, adding that scholars and observers will be invited to view an exhibition on reincarnation in Beijing.

Seminar for experts to exchange views on Tibetan studies

"As an academic seminar, we welcome different voices," Li said. "We expect to see heated debate as well as discussions in which scholars from China and abroad exchange ideas and deepen understanding on past and current affairs in Tibetan areas."

He added that the seminar promotes international academic cooperation - at the event in 2008, Russian and German universities agreed to conduct joint studies with the China Tibetology Research Center - and provides opportunities for young scholars to shine.

"We've seen an increasing number of young Chinese scholars presenting their latest studies at the seminars and responding to foreign scholars' questions in fluent English," Li said.

Tibetan studies have become more popular among foreign experts, he added, while the Beijing seminar has become a leading platform for academic exchanges between Chinese and foreign scholars.

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