China / Government

Xi hails honest work ahead of Intl Workers' Day

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-04-29 20:06
HEFEI -- Chinese President Xi Jinping advocated the spirit of hard work ahead of the International Workers' Day on May 1, urging people to realize their dreams and change destiny through honest work.

Xi made the remarks at a meeting with renowned scientists and researchers, model workers and young students during his inspection tour to East China's Anhui province, according to a press release published on Friday.

All of society should vigorously promote the spirit of hard work, while opposing negative thoughts such as profiting from other people's work, opportunism and indulging in pleasure and comfort, Xi said.

The president encouraged the working people, no matter their current occupations, to study diligently, work industriously and constantly perfect their own skills to create brilliant achievements.

Model workers are the outstanding representatives of the working people and their exemplary deeds should be publicized for all of society, Xi said. He also advocated comprehensive support for them in realizing their full potential.

Local authorities should sincerely care about the working people and conscientiously implement Party and state policies to promote employment and entrepreneurship, he said.
Xi also urged authorities to earnestly protect workers' lawful rights and interests and help them solve problems to establish harmonious labor relations.

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