
Making waves with water

By Lin Qi ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-12-01 08:06:49

Making waves with water

Artist Zheng Lu

Together, the two works show the infinite energy of nature.

In his works, Zheng also shows concern over overexploitation of marine life, especially endangered species.

Making waves with water

Grave of Honor is a sculpture resembling a human's heart, which he uses to criticize greed that threatens creatures with extinction.

In it, numerous large, stainless steel fishhooks are fixed together to form the vertical section of a heart.

He uses the hooks to create a feeling of coldness and sharpness, which contrasts with the warmth and softness of a heart.

The piece was exhibited at an art show, On Sharks & Humanity, which campaigned for the protection of sharks at the National Museum of China.

That show ran from August to October.

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