
Sino-UK filmmakers planning to collaborate at festival

By Xinhua in London ( China Daily ) Updated: 2014-05-20 07:03:47

Sino-UK filmmakers planning to collaborate at festival
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Sino-UK filmmakers planning to collaborate at festival
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"So many Chinese-British film events taking place in both countries means the Chinese side and British side have a great passion and strong desire, and are eager for exchange and cooperation in the film industry," says Luan Guozhi, deputy director-general of the Film Bureau of China's State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and TV.

"The exchange on film will not only create economic benefits, but culturally, I think it's more significant," he says.

Films from the United States dominate most world markets. When talking about blockbusters, most people think of Hollywood.

"Very few Chinese audiences and filmmakers know about British films. Some filmmakers like to seek opportunities in Hollywood when they mention co-production. But China and Britain cannot reproduce the Hollywood mode," says Huilin.

"I think Chinese and British film cooperation is now at the primary stage. That's why we created the summit, hoping that professionals from the two countries can exchange views, learn from each other and share experiences," she says.

"We hope that the Chinese films screened in Britain won't only attract homesick Chinese students and citizens, but also draw Britons' attention," she adds.

"In some ways, getting the treaty signed was the easiest part. The next thing is about starting to build relationships between filmmakers in Britain and China," Nevill says.

"The essence of how to suit each other's taste is very important. Chinese and British producers and filmmakers need to prepare to invest time to make a successful film," she says.

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