China / Government

Chinese official calls for smooth transition of ties after US election

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-11-02 16:21

BEIJING - China and the United States should make joint efforts to ensure bilateral ties remain sound after a new US administration takes office next January, Assistant Foreign Minister Le Yucheng said Thursday.

Le made the remarks while addressing a seminar on China-US security relations and cooperation organized by the China Institute of International Studies and Stanford University.

Any economic or financial change between China and the United States could have a significant impact on the world economy, as the two countries together account for one-third of the global GDP, Le said.

Le said both sides should manage disagreements, develop a new relationship pattern and properly handle Asia-Pacific affairs in order to maintain sound bilateral ties.

Regarding the ongoing sovereignty dispute between China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands, Le said Japan has tried to steal China's inherent territory and deny the outcome of World War II.

China and the United States should be wary of growing right-wing forces in Japan and work to contain them in order to prevent Japan from dragging the world into catastrophe, Le said.

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