
Art beat in January

( China Daily ) Updated: 2014-12-29 09:13:10

Making color count

Art beat in January

Having studied in France for six years, Yu Dawei, who teaches art at Shandong University, chooses to splash colors with heavy strokes on traditional xuan paper. His current solo exhibition displays dozens of zhong cai (heavily colored) paintings. He creates in his works a mysterious, ever-changing cosmos.

10 am-6 pm, closed on Mondays, through Jan 17. The First Sound Gallery, 798 Art Zone, 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang district, Beijing. 010-5978-9888.

Promoting talent

Thrivart China will hold its first fundraising charity show in the country in support of less-known artists. The group exhibition, expected to begin soon, will feature works by 13 young artists, many of whom are either studying art or have just graduated from art schools in different parts of the world. The money from the sale of the artworks will be used to promote young talent worldwide, according to Thrivart, the US-based nonprofit organization that makes contributions to art programs in public high schools.

10 am-10 pm, from Jan 10 to 27. Parkview Green Art Gallery, 9 Dongdaqiao Lu (Road), Chaoyang district, Beijing. 010-5662-8596.


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