China / Society

Two kinds of teas in Southeast China won international acknowledgment

By Yao Yao ( Updated: 2016-03-25 07:30

Two kinds of teas in Southeast China won international acknowledgment

Newly-plucked tea leaves at Tianhucha tea plantation in Tanyang village, Fuding city, Southeast China's Fujian province, March 23, 2016. [Photo provided to]

Tanyang Congou and Fuding white tea, both from Ningde city in Southeast China's Fujian province, gained international acknowledgment and won gold medals at international competitions.

Tanyang Congou, a black tea originated in Tanyang village, was well received in Western Europe during the reign of Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It received its first gold medal at the 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition.

Facing an increase in competition from home and abroad, the established Congou proved itself in 2013 by winning a gold medal at EXPOCOMER, one of the most influential expositions in Middle and South America.

White tea from Fuding, home of China's popular white tea, won a gold medal in Milano Expo 2015 after beating counterparts.

Apart from it being the Queen of England's favorite tea during the reign of Emperor Jiaqing in Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Fuding white tea also played its part in British Prince William and Princess Catherine's wedding ceremony as key ingredients in the tea served that day.

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