China / Society

China launches campaign to nab overseas suspects

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-07-22 21:21

BEIJING -- The Ministry of Public Security (MPS) on Tuesday launched a campaign to apprehend suspects involved in economic crimes who have fled China.

Some suspects were involved in corruption-related crimes and needed to face questioning and possible charges, said Liu Jinguo, vice minister of the ministry, during a national teleconference.

It is an important part of the anti-graft campaign, he said.

Since 2008, more than 730 criminal suspects involved in major economic crimes have been seized and brought back to China from 54 nations and regions.

The MPS called on police authorities to strengthen cooperation with police forces in other countries and regions, issue announcements with procuratorates and courts to urge suspects to give themselves up, and encourage tip-offs from the public by offering rewards.

"Even if they are in corners of the world, we will seize them and bring them to justice to defend the law and safeguard people's interests," said Liu.

The campaign will last until the end of the year, according to the ministry.

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