China / Politics

China's leaders celebrate New Year with political advisors

(Xinhua) Updated: 2013-01-01 19:06

China's leaders celebrate New Year with political advisors

Chinese President Hu Jintao (L) talks with General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee Xi Jinping at a tea party held by the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top political advisory body, in Beijing, capital of China, Jan 1, 2013. [Photo/Xinhua]

BEIJING - China's leaders on Tuesday celebrated New Year's Day with political advisors in Beijing, with Xi Jinping delivering a speech.

The leaders attended a tea party held by the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top political advisory body.

Attendees included President Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping, Wu Bangguo, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Li Keqiang, Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli.

Delivering his speech at the party, Xi said socialism with Chinese characteristics is a good cause that will benefit the people but is also an arduous cause that requires wisdom and endeavor.

Xi said in completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, it is vital to have a determined confidence to overcome difficulties and solidify powerful strength to promote the cause.

Xi said 2012 had a special and important meaning for China during which time the country made progress while maintaining stability in promoting economic and social development when facing a severe international economic situation and a lot of domestic work.

Hong Kong and Macao continued to maintain stability and prosperity, and cross-Strait exchange and cooperation deepened. China had carried out all-round international exchange and cooperation and made new contributions to maintaining world peace and promoting common development, Xi said.

Xi said this year is the beginning of implementing the spirits and policies made by the CPC's 18th National Congress. He called for efforts to promote continuous, healthy economic development and social harmony and stability, advance defense and military modernization and improve Party building.

On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and Central Military Commission, Xi conveyed New Year greetings to people in various walks of life, including those in the country's non-communist parties, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, people without party affiliation, members of the armed forces and police.

Xi also gave regards to compatriots of Special Administration Regions of Hong Kong and Macao, Taiwan and Chinese people overseas as well as foreign friends who are concerned about and support China's modernization construction.

The General Secretary said the country will stick to the guidelines of "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong," "Macao people governing Macao" and a high degree of autonomy to maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao.

"We will adhere to the principle of 'peaceful reunification and one country, two systems' while consolidating and developing the foundation of peaceful development of cross-Strait relations," he said, referring to the relation between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.

He said China will hold hands with people around the world to carry forward the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind.

In his speech, Xi urged the non-communist parties and people of various walks of life and ethnic groups in the CPPCC to stick to the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the CPC.

He called on them to fully exert the CPPCC's functions of relations coordination, wisdom and power gathering, providing suggestions and serving the overall situation to promote harmony among parties, ethnic groups, religions, different social layers, and compatriots at home and abroad, said Xi.

He stressed that "many hands make light work", calling for all non-communist parties and people of all ethnic groups in the CPPCC to be united and make joint efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The party was presided over by Jia Qinglin, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee.

The leaders were joined by senior members of the central committees of non-Communist parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, people without party affiliation, officials of the central government and representatives from a variety of professions and ethnic groups in Beijing.

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