China / Society

Binhai primary school teaches yinglian

( Updated: 2012-12-18 21:00

Yinglian, or Chinese couplets, have become a featured cultural course at a primary school in Tianjin's Binhai New Area, the Bohai Morning Post reported.

Yinglian consists of two lines of verse that corresponds with each other phonologically and syntactically, with the themes having auspicious connotations.

Scholars from the Yinglian Society of China and teachers from other schools recently observed the novel class on yinglian culture in Zhongxinzhuang Primary School, which has been teaching the class since 2000 to promote traditional culture.

During the class, students proactively brainstormed yinglian. The students took turns teaching others story where a yinglian lies. Then, teachers related the given yinglian to students' real life, shaping their awareness and interest in life. What's more, students grasped the know-how to create a yinglian by reading out loud.

The class also combines the knowledge of yinglian with Chinese calligraphy, requiring students to master the use of brush and thus the calligraphic arts.

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