China / Society

Police investigate protection racket, gun crimes

By Zhang Yan (China Daily) Updated: 2015-05-20 07:35

Police investigate protection racket, gun crimes

Police in Beijing are investigating accusations that street traders near a subway station were being forced to pay protection money to alleged gang members, according to the public security department in Changping district.

"We have started an investigation, and if any criminal gangs are involved, we will resolutely crack down on them and publicize the result," an unidentified police officer said on Tuesday.

According to Beijing News, small retailers near Tiantongyuan North subway station were forced to pay the suspects several thousand yuan each month in order to be allowed to do business on the nearby square and adjacent alley - a well-known market for commodities ranging from socks and shoes to fruit and vegetables.

If vendors refused to pay the money, they would be threatened or even assaulted by the suspects, according to the report.

The public security department in Changping district has sent police officers to the area to step up supervision and ensure normal business.

According to the Changping district people's government, judicial authorities will investigate the case and handle it according to the law. Other authorities will look into other problems such as threats to public order and environmental pollution, as well as establishing a long-term mechanism to enhance the management of the area.

In a separate development, Beijing police launched Operation Hurricane on Tuesday to target crimes related to guns and explosives, and websites offering information on such items.

"Such crimes have seriously damaged people's lives and property and pose a big threat to social stability. We are paying great attention to these crimes and will resolutely fight against them," said a statement released by the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

Between January and April, Beijing police received 260 reports of crimes related to firearms or explosives. After investigations, 61 cases were placed on file for further inquiries.

During Operation Hurricane, police will strengthen their efforts to investigate websites, instant messaging accounts on QQ and other online forums that spread harmful information, while tightening the supervision of mail express and other logistical channels to prevent firearms and explosives from being smuggled into China.


Police investigate protection racket, gun crimes

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