China / Government

China lauds foreign chiefs' consensus over Ukraine crisis

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-01-22 21:36

BEIJING - China on Thursday hailed the agreement reached by the foreign ministers of Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine, which called for a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine and the withdrawal of heavy weapons.

"China [...] expects it to help ease the situation in eastern Ukraine and avoid any further escalation," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily press briefing.

Hua's comments came after the four top diplomats concluded the latest four-way talks over Ukraine in Berlin, Germany, and called for all sides involved in Ukraine crisis to "cease hostilities and withdraw heavy weapons" from the demarcation line, as stipulated in the Annex to the Minsk Memorandum, which was signed on Sept 19, 2014.

The ministers reiterated that tangible progress on a full implementation of the Minsk agreements should be achieved ahead of a planned summit in Astana, including an effective ceasefire and an agreed way for delivering humanitarian aid to the region as well as continued release of detainees.

Under the agreements, Ukrainian forces and pro-independence insurgents would pull heavy arms 15 kilometers backs on either side of the demarcation line.

"China welcomes and supports the positive efforts by related parties to resolve the Ukraine crisis," Hua said.

China called on related parties to make use of the Normandy and Minsk mechanisms, take care of legitimate interests and concerns, reach a comprehensive, balanced and lasting political solution at an early date and realize the peace, security, stability and development of Ukraine and the whole region, she said.

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