Opinion / Li Xing

Freedom to blog is not license to slander

[2007-04-12 07:11]

Tim O'Reilly, whom the Chinese media call the "Internet heavyweight", issued a proposed code of conduct on Sunday that asks bloggers to be responsible for what they post on their blogs and refrain from attacking others.

We should not live by denying past

[2007-04-05 06:59]

By Chinese tradition, the first week of April is when we pay tribute to our loved ones who have left for the netherworld. No wonder the roads leading to the main cemeteries across China were jammed on Sunday, and the burial grounds crowded with mourners.

High marks in world survey not enough

[2007-03-29 06:55]

Things on the international scene have gone a little slower for some international news editors these days.

Cold truth about our city heating

[2007-03-22 07:08]

I remember crying my heart out one day when I was six, seeing my father off at the Beijing International Airport. He was going to Jakarta, Indonesia, to work at the Chinese embassy, leaving my mother and me behind in Beijing.

Opening-up should include speaking up

[2007-03-15 06:39]

A recent survey by the British Broadcasting Corp's World Service asked some 28,000 people from 27 countries to evaluate 12 countries on measures of positive or negative influences on the world.

Hey, media - Stop female stereotyping

[2007-03-08 07:01]

"Four women stir the US with the public unable to take them all in," a headline from a major Chinese news website was flaring across the screen a few weeks ago.

Culture is not just for the urbanites

[2007-03-01 07:08]

My seven-day Lunar New Year holiday was rather lackluster as I mostly stayed at home in Beijing. I didn't light a single firecracker nor visit a temple fair. I spent some money, on a film and several books.

Is only bad news good photography?

[2007-02-16 12:30]

As the night editor on February 14 two years ago, I had racked my brain along with my colleagues to choose the lead photo for the front page the next day.

New take on turning off the light

[2007-02-08 07:38]

Sui shou guan deng, the four Chinese characters meaning "Turn off the light," were once printed by light switches in schools, offices and many other public places in China.

Stop global warming blame game

[2007-02-01 07:12]

Although only the first part of the United Nations' Climate Report 2007 will be officially unveiled in Paris tomorrow, a draft of part two was leaked to the press early this week.

Raising my voice for our girls

[2007-01-25 06:58]

"There you go again," some of my colleagues yawn or snicker whenever I raise the issue of gender inequality.

Justice should begin in your own backyard

[2007-01-18 06:58]

Li Chengying, a farmer, and her three brothers all live in the same village in Northwest China's Shaanxi Province, where they were born and grew up.

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