
Nothing could be further from the truth

[2014-08-15 08:23]

I laughed it off when news came last week that US President Barack Obama had made pointed remarks about China's activities in Africa and played up the United States' role on the continent.


[2014-08-15 08:23]

Behind herb's name change

[2014-08-15 08:23]

IT IS UNIMAGINABLE TO MANY THAT DELIVERY OF interest could be behind the change of name of a medicinal herb. But a disciplinary inspection official in Central China's Hunan province has accused the former director of the China Food and Drug Administration of manipulating the change of Lonicera japonica, or Japanese Honeysuckle, a medicinal herb growing in South China provinces to another name. He claims that the name change has caused heavy economic losses to millions of herb growers, and firmly pledged that corruption was involved. This accuser, using his real name, said online that an enterprise from East China's Shandong province benefited the most from the change of name in 2005 while the former CFDA director at the time was from that province.

Probe can get to root of case

[2014-08-15 08:23]

The difference between the traditional Chinese medicinal herb and its new offspring may confuse the public since it is to do with the specialist field of plant taxonomy, which requires professional knowledge to understand. But, the public can easily understand the process by which the name of the medicinal plant has been changed, as it reflects a redistribution of interests. Moreover, whether such a process is normal and fair is of great concern to the public nowadays.

Reckless words, policies catch up with Abe

[2014-08-15 08:23]

In this year of sobering historical reminders, Aug 15 marks the 69th anniversary of Japan's announcement of surrender in World War II. That date is unlikely to bring inspiration or comfort to Japan's increasingly beleaguered Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Develop mind but don't forget body

[2014-08-15 08:23]

Are sports galas like the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games, scheduled to open on Aug 16, inspiring events for Chinese youths? No, if we go strictly by the physical health of the youths.

Stop drug abuse, set good example

[2014-08-15 08:23]

With police catching one celebrity after another for drug abuse, the question uppermost in the public mind is: What's wrong with the haloed characters of the entertainment industry?

Hot words

[2014-08-15 08:23]

Deng Xiaoping in historic transformation 历史转折中的邓小平 (li shi zhuan zhe zhong de Deng Xiaoping)

From the Chinese press

[2014-08-15 08:23]

A model of social responsibility

The real and modern Tibet

[2014-08-14 07:08]

There are different views on Tibet's history and the autonomous region today. Some of the views are misunderstandings and misinterpretations of Tibet. Some are simply bias and lies. The real Tibet is often lost.

Barb reflects badly on US

[2014-08-14 07:08]

US PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA PROBABLY didn't anticipate his interview with The New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman in the White House Map Room, in which China was mentioned only on the sidelines, would stir up such an exasperated response across the Pacific.

US speaks of exceptionalism

[2014-08-14 07:08]

Witnessing the growth of China's comprehensive strength and international influence in recent years, many Western media outlets, particularly those in the United States, have heaped an increasing amount of ironic praise on China, including the theory of "China's responsibilities", a "G2 Era", and "Chimerica". At bottom, the true reason for promoting such flowery concepts is that they want Beijing to assist Washington in maintaining the US' world order and even cleaning up its post-war messes.

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