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China Daily Website

  • ANN chairman: More dialogue needed with Western editors

    2010-04-08 08:21

    ANN should be expanded to have increased dialogue with editors in the developed world, especially North America, the chairman of the newspaper alliance has said.

  • The Star chief editor: We must practise what we preach

    2010-04-08 08:20

    Wong Chun Wai believes media organizations have a dual role in addressing climate change and environmental protection: First reporting the issues; then internally, having supportive policies.

  • Media faces at ANN Annual Meeting 2010

    2010-04-08 08:03

    Media faces attending ANN Annual Meeting 2010

  • Media must step up to the plate

    2010-04-08 07:45

    For veteran Singapore journalist Felix Soh, one of the main issues facing Asian media now is that of credibility.

  • West needs to know Asia better

    2010-04-08 07:02

    Seeing is believing. That is the advice Pana Janviroj, executive director of the Asia News Network (ANN), has for Western media, who he said should pay more visits and have better comprehension of ground realities before churning out stories on the fast-changing continent.

  • Tentative Program: Reacting to Climate Change

    2010-04-02 12:24

    Reacting to Climate Change: Vision, Action Plans & Media Involvement

  • Debate: Climate change

    2010-04-06 07:55

    As the memories of Copenhagen fade, three scholars tell us how to face the challenges of the climate meetings in Bonn and Cancun and what to expect beyond them.

  • A stunning makeover for China Daily

    2010-03-01 15:17

    The redesigned China Daily made its debut on March 1 — the biggest revamp in its 29-year history.

  • China Daily rings NASDAQ opening bell for US edition launch

    2009-02-24 09:13

    Deputy Editor-in-Chief Qu Yingpu of China Daily, China's national English-language newspaper, ran the opening bell at the NASDAQ OMX Stock Market at 9:30 am EST Monday to mark the launch of China Daily's US edition especially tailored for the American readers, though China Daily started distributing its China edition in the US market in 1983.

  • Troubles brewing over climate action

    2009-12-12 14:07

    Contentious issues seem to be on the rise, both inside and outside the Bella Center where negotiations entered the fourth day in Copenhagen for an international agreement to tackle climate change.

  • Let's play the music of save the planet

    2008-12-12 07:43

    The 40 leading industrialized countries emitted 2.3 percent more greenhouse gases (GHG) from 2000 to 2006. Massive floods deep below Antarctica's ice cover are accelerating the flow of glaciers into the sea.

  • Copenhagen message: China needs to sell itself better

    2010-01-13 07:58

    Thedisagreement bwtween China and Western counterparts on targets and numbers is only about what governments claim they will achieve and does not take into account what they have already done. 

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Geng Jiasheng, 54, a national master technician in the manufacturing industry, is busy working on improvements for a new removable environmental protection toilet, a project he has been devoted to since last year.