China / Society

Correcting bad transport habits a long term mission

By Zhao Xinying ( Updated: 2015-09-24 15:39

An activity that aims to correct residents’ bad transport habits was held in Beijing on Thursday.

The activity, jointly launched by five departments of the Beijing Municipal Government, including Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport, Beijing Municipal Commission of Education and Beijing Traffic Management Bureau, calls on Beijing residents to kick their bad habits and behaviors in driving, parking, taking public transport and crossing the road.

According to a survey conducted by the transport commission among 55,000 residents, behaviors such as rushing to get on board rather than queuing in line, changing the traffic lane randomly without sending turning signals and hindering other people’s way by parking on the road are selected as the worst transport habits.

Other behaviors inclujding driving and blowing the horn crazily are also high on the list.

Rong Jun, a commission member of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport, said the activity was organized to raise residents’ awareness of their bad habits in transport, which has been a factor that worsens traffic in the capital city to some extent.

In the following months, a campaign calling on people to obey traffic rules and get rid of uncivilized behaviors will be launched through radio and TV programs, Rong said.

Zhou Zhengyu, director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport, said the campaign, which lasts from September to December, will be only the beginning of a long-term project.

"We will not stop there," Zhou said. "Correcting bad habits in transport to help make city traffic better will be a long-term mission of the commission."

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