China / Society

A child's life of fear, insecurity and misery

By Xu Wei and Wang Xiaodong ( Updated: 2015-06-18 15:27


A child's life of fear, insecurity and misery

Tang Dongqiang, 22, from a village some 40 km away from Hefei, capital city of Anhui province where he works as webpage designer. [Photo/]

The village I was born in is not very far from Hefei, capital of East China's Anhui province. But the 40-km-distance remains mission impossible for me, a stay-at-home child then, to cross over.

When I was 10, my parents left home for Yinchuan city, capital of Northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region and worked there as construction workers for about five years.

I was left to my grandparents, partly for economic reasons and partly for my education. They brought my 1-year-old little brother along with them.

When I become a father, I'll try to stay together with my family. If I have no choice, I will bring my child along with me, because I know from experience that there isn't a child who doesn't hope to spend his childhood with his parents.

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