China / Government

China's proposal on Syria welcomed internationally

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-11-07 19:17

BEIJING - China's new four-point proposal on a political resolution to the Syrian conflict has been welcomed by relevant parties in the international community, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Wednesday.

"Relevant parties found that the proposal was put forward in a timely fashion," spokesman Hong Lei said at a daily press briefing, adding that the concrete content of the proposal represents a feasible approach to easing the present tensions in Syria.

Looking to build a consensus in the international community and support the mediation efforts by Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN's special envoy for the Syrian conflict, China proposed the four-point proposal in order to facilitate the political settlement of the conflict and urge all parties in Syria to cease fire and begin a political transition at an early date, according to the spokesman.

"We are willing to keep close communication with relevant parties so as to promote the impartial, peaceful and proper settlement of the Syrian conflict," Hong said.

Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi made the four-point proposal during his talks with UN-Arab League Joint Special Envoy Brahimi, who visited China in late October for the first time since replacing former UN chief Kofi Annan as the international mediator on Syria on September 1.

UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman said on Tuesday that China's proposal has been welcomed as part of efforts to move toward a political solution for Syria.

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