
Wenjin winners announced

By Wang Kaihao ( China Daily ) Updated: 2014-05-06 09:11:11

Wenjin winners announced

Nakimushi Ha-chan, written by Hayao Kawai and Tomoko Okada, translated by Cai Mingyan and published by Zhejiang People's Publishing House

"Too many children's books only focus on the positive side of life. Many stories tell children to be brave, diligent, well-behaved, modest and persistent. It seems that no book is capable of teaching the youngsters what to do if they fail to always succeed. But children will sometimes feel timid, afraid, anxious, doubtful and unsure. The authors use their own childhood experiences as scripts to write touching stories. The book solves children's problems in a children's way and has a good understanding of children's psychology. Lessons about growing up are revealed in the entertaining stories. The book will help parents better understand their kids and help the kids better know themselves. Play is the best way to learn."

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