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Trending: 3,800 sit for exams out in ground

( Updated: 2014-11-17 10:59


Trending: 3,800 sit for exams out in ground


Firm pays back $81,687 debt in small denominations

A Shanxi bus company paid back 500,000 yuan ($81,687) debt it owed to a manufacturer of vehicle exhaust purification equipment in Jiansu province in 0.1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and one yuan notes carried in 28 bags, Yangtse Evening Post reported Sunday.

A local branch of Bank of Communications helped count the small denominations, and nine of its workers worked overtime for three days to sort out the notes worth 120,000 yuan. Some of the bills were old and dirty with mildew and moth on them so bank workers had to wear masks.


Trending: 3,800 sit for exams out in ground



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