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Pacts, statement shore up Kyrgyz ties

By An Baijie in Bishkek (China Daily Global) Updated: 2019-06-16 07:32

Xi, Jeenbekov praise cooperation outcomes and agree to deepen bilateral partnership

China and Kyrgyzstan signed a number of cooperation documents covering such areas as infrastructure, investment, law enforcement and trade during President Xi Jinping's state visit to the Central Asian country on Thursday.

The signing ceremony was witnessed by Xi and Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov in Bishkek, the capital. The two leaders also signed a joint statement to further deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

The two presidents spoke highly of the cooperation outcomes in all areas between the two countries, and agreed to promote the China-Kyrgyzstan comprehensive strategic partnership to a higher level.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 27 years ago, bilateral ties have stood the test of international situations and developed with a big leap, Xi said.

Xi said he appreciated Jeenbekov's friendly stance on Kyrgyzstan's developing its relationship with China.

China will continue to support Kyrgyzstan to practice the development path it chooses, and it supports the Kyrgyz government's domestic and foreign policies to safeguard its national independence, sovereignty and security, he said.

China would like to work with Kyrgyzstan to develop the traditional friendship, deepen mutual beneficial cooperation and bring more benefits to the people of both nations, Xi said.

As long as the two countries continue to enhance mutual support and promote cooperation in all areas, the prosperous path of China-Kyrgyzstan common development will widen, he added.

Xi pointed out that jointly building the Belt and Road has become a main focus for China-Kyrgyzstan cooperation.

The two countries should promote the further connection of their development strategies, tap new potential for cooperation and explore new space for cooperation, he said.

The two countries should expand cooperation in economic and trade areas and implement major cooperation projects, he added.

China would also like to increase imports of green and premium agricultural products from Kyrgyzstan, Xi said.

He reaffirmed China's commitment to supporting the economic and social development of Kyrgyzstan, saying that China will make joint efforts with Kyrgyzstan to carry out such projects as clean drinking water, roads and hospitals to improve people's livelihoods.

Xi called on the two countries to upgrade security cooperation and fight the three evil forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism, as well as cross-border organized crime and drug trafficking.

Noting that Kyrgyzstan has promoted cooperation among Shanghai Cooperation Organization members since it assumed the organization's presidency, Xi said China supports Kyrgyzstan in its hosting of the SCO Bishkek Summit, and China encourages all sides to reach more consensuses.

Saying that he has met with Xi three times in a little over a 12-month period, Jeenbekov emphasized that this reflected the high level of bilateral relations.

Kyrgyzstan will always be a good neighbor, friend and partner of China, he said.

Kyrgyzstan also offers its congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the great achievements made by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, he said.

Jeenbekov expressed gratitude for China's long-term assistance and support for the development of Kyrgyzstan.

Kyrgyzstan firmly upholds the one-China policy, and the ethnic affairs in China are the country's domestic affairs, he said, adding that Kyrgyzstan supports China's measures on ethnic affairs.

Kyrgyzstan would like to connect its development strategies with the Belt and Road Initiative, he said.

 Pacts, statement shore up Kyrgyz ties

President Xi Jinping is awarded the Manas Order of the First Degree, the highest national prize of Kyrgyzstan, by Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov at a ceremony in Bishkek on Thursday. Wang Zhuangfei / China Daily

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