China / Politics

China provincial legislator expelled from party, office

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-08-26 14:08

BEIJING -- Zheng Yuzhuo, a senior legislator in Northeast China's Liaoning province, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and removed from public office for taking bribes and malpractices in elections.

The decision has been approved by the CPC Central Committee.

The CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) announced on Friday that Zheng, vice head of the Liaoning Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee, was found to have taken bribes and been involved in electoral foul play.

The CCDI investigation found that Zheng had violated the CPC's political and organizational code of conduct.

Zheng was found to have extorted bribes, engaged in vote buying and instructed others to rig elections.

The CCDI statement said that Zheng had seriously violated the party's code of conduct.

Zheng's case will be transferred to the judiciary, the statement said.

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