China / Government

China vows to strengthen work style construction after Zhou's fall

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-12-08 22:05

BEIJING - Both citizens and officials from across the country voiced support following the central authority's decision to arrest Zhou Yongkang and investigate his crimes.

On Friday, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided to expel Zhou Yongkang, a former member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, from the CPC. His suspected crimes will be transferred to judicial organs to be handled in accordance with the law.

The Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) also decided to open an investigation into Zhou Yongkang's suspected crimes and arrest him according to the law.

The decisions have demonstrated the strong will of the Communist Party of China (CPC) when managing the Party and punishing corruption. HSTRENGTHEN BELIEFS

Gan Wudong, head of the organizational department of the CPC Committee of Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, said Zhou's serious discipline violations were rooted deeply in his belief and values, taking advantage of the power endowed by the Party and the people in order to seek personal gains and put himself above party discipline and laws.

"Zhou's case showed that some cadres have weakened their awareness of the Party's aim, a problem that exist also on the grassroots level," said Zhang Jianxing, a Party disciplinary official from Pinghe County, Fujian Province.

"In its almost century of history, the CPC's series of successes lie in firm belief and strict discipline," Zhang Pingjun, a professor from the Party school of CPC Gansu Provincial Committee. He suggested that cadres strengthen their education of Party spirit and socialist ethics.


Chen Liang, a citizen in Haikou City, Hainan Province, said the bad work style of cadres are hotbeds for unhealthy practices and evil influences, and building of work style concerns the ruling foundation of CPC.

Zhou's case raised alarm bells for the Party and showed that efforts to advance work styles have no end.

"The central authority's decisions have strengthened our determination to follow the Party. Only with good work style and benign atmosphere can we fulfil our responsibility with more confidence," said Zhang Guang, head of a township in Xigaze City, Tibet Autonomous Region.

Wu Yaqin, a community Party chief in Changchun City, Jilin Province, said due to weak work style construction, some Party cadres lost spirit and violated Party discipline, severely undermining the people's interests.

"Only with good work styles can we win support from the masses, " said Wu.


Zhou, as a top official who violated Party's disciplines and abused his power, brought the seriousness of such violations to the attention of all the other Party members and cadres.

"Party discipline guarantee its survival and development. Lack of discipline results in lack of Party spirit and disintegration of the whole organization," said Zhong Xiaoyong, head of the political and legal affairs commission of Changning District, Shanghai Municipality.

"Due to his high position and enormous power, Zhou brought a major negative impact to the Party," Zhong added.

"Zhou's fall will definitely promote a stricter discipline and benign atmosphere in the Party," said Zhou Yawei, vice mayor of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.

News about the central authority's decisions on Zhou is going viral on the Internet. People believe that the case showed the courage of CPC to self-renovate and self-purify, and also its resolution to fight against corruption.

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