China / Society

Administrative court cases rise rapidly in Beijing

By CAO YIN ( Updated: 2014-08-13 18:56

The number of administrative cases handled by Beijing courts has been rapidly increasing, the Beijing High People's Court said on Wednesday.

In 2013, the capital's courts dealt with 10,435 administrative disputes, an increase of 20.5 percent year-on-year, according to a report in a white book issued by the court.

It was also the first time the number of administrative cases heard in the city surpassed 10,000, the report said.

From January to June, Beijing courts have coped with 11,741 administrative cases, up about 160 percent year-on-year, the report said, adding the sharp growth could be attributed to clear channels through which to file lawsuits and the public's increasing awareness of how to claim their rights using legal methods.

"More residents asked government departments to disclose information by appealing to courts, which is also a good way for the public to supervise government work," said Wu Zaicun, deputy president of the high people's court.

"Our courts have established a system coordinating with government departments and delivered judicial suggestions to them, urging them to change their work attitudes," Wu added.

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