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Innovations in China's Diplomatic Theory and Practice Under New Conditions(Part 6)

Updated: 2013-08-16 19:35

The fourth major achievement through innovations in diplomatic theory and practice: proposing stronger top-level designing, strategic planning and bottom line thinking in diplomatic work with a view to resolutely upholding China's core interests

Recently, State Councilor Yang Jiechi has written on innovations in diplomatic theory and practice of the new Central leadership. According to the article, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has strengthened top-level designing and strategic planning in diplomatic work, bearing in mind the underlying trend and major events, and integrated China's relations with the world's major countries, its neighbors and other developing countries and multilateral diplomacy through a series of major initiatives, thus meeting our target of a good start and solid layout in our diplomatic work and setting the stage for the medium and long-term pursuit of our objectives.

The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to the details of implementing China's foreign policy. It calls for the need to follow new trend in strategic planning and to properly address new issues and problems in our diplomatic work. We must keep in mind the bottom line, working for the best but preparing for the worst. Comrade Xi Jinping has stressed that while firmly committed to peaceful development, we definitely must not forsake our legitimate interests or compromise our core national interests. In our diplomatic work, we will not dodge disputes or problems as there may be. Rather, we will endeavor to properly handle the differences and problems with relevant countries, while working to expand common interests through cooperation and maintain good relations with neighboring countries and peace and stability in the region as a whole.
