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China Daily Website

China to assist Cuba in adopting digital TV

Updated: 2013-03-20 11:13
( Xinhua)

HAVANA - China will assist Cuba in trials to switch from analog to digital TV, an expert from Cuba's Ministry of Communications said Tuesday.

The Chinese standard is the latest to be developed based on previous technologies, containing the newest advances, Director of the Telecommunications Development and Research Institute (Lacetel) Glauco Guillen said.

Lacetel and Chinese specialists will showcase their technology Wednesday at the XV International Convention and Fair "Informatics 2013," Guillen, also professor of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, added.

Cuba learns from the Chinese technology and readjusts its know-how to the island's reality, Cuillen said.

The National Development and Reform Commission of China and the Cuban Ministry of Communications signed a memorandum in 2011 to develop digital TV in Cuba.
