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China urges Syrians to 'sit down'

Updated: 2014-01-18 20:40
( Xinhua)

BEIJING -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday called on the Syrian government and opposition to start talks to find solutions.

"No matter how big the issue is, how deep the discrepancy is and how  hard the difficulties are, as long as Syria's two sides sit down, start a conversation and talk on, with the joint efforts of international community, a solution acceptable to all sides will come up," Wang told a media briefing on Saturday afternoon.

Wang's comments came ahead of the Geneva II conference on Syria, which is scheduled to start next Wednesday.

The conference aims to bring delegations of the Syrian government and opposition to a negotiating table to end their conflict and start a political transition through the full implementation of the Geneva communique from June, 2012.

"Whether the Geneva II conference will take place as scheduled is an issue of major concern for the international community," Wang said.

"For both sides, starting talks  is a major achievement in itself and a major threshold," Wang said.

Wang reviewed the three-year conflict in Syria, stressing the situation is very complicated and the reality showed military means can't resolve it.

"Political solutions through dialogue is the only correct path and the consensus of the international community. It is also the direction that parties should stick to," Wang said.

He stressed China will continue to positive and constructive efforts towards a solution acceptable to all sides.

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