
Shanxi gears up for national book expo

By Mei Jia ( ) Updated: 2015-04-27 17:27:41

Shanxi gears up for national book expo

Vice-director of State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Yan Xiaohong at the first press conference of the expo on April 24 in Taiyuan, Shanxi province.[Photo by Mei Jia/China Daily]

To add to the enthusiasm for reading boosted by the many events launched countrywide on the occasion of World Reading Day on Thursday, Shanxi will hold the 25the National Book Expo in September.

Yan Xiaohong, vice-director of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, announced on April 24 in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi province, that the country's major and oldest book gathering will be held in Shanxi from Sep 25 to 27. The organizers and publishers in the province are engaged in preparing for the festival.

"I hope the expo will offer as many titles as the visitors would like, and hold many colorful cultural and reading events to promote love of reading and books," said Yan.

Since 1980, the annual expo has been deemed as a wind vane of the country's publishing scene and a top level event in that respect.

Shanxi will add charm to the expo this year with its unique historical and cultural heritages.

Seventy-five percent of China's wooden architecture built before the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) that is still "alive" is now preserved in Shanxi province, said Deputy Governor of the province Zhang Fuming.

Zhang also highlighted the province' role in shaping the traditional Chinese culture in ancient times, as well as in fighting the anti-Fascist war and for the establishment of new China in modern time.

"We will show the book lovers the essence through books, exhibitions and cultural events," he said.

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