China / Society

Watchdog inspection aims to enhance supervision of local environment protection

By ZHENG JINRAN ( Updated: 2015-03-22 14:28

Some polluting companies have continued to emit excessive pollutants despite of the punishments from the authorities, said the national environment watchdog.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection has sent monitoring teams to inspect the pollution emission of companies, construction sites and vehicle exhausts in 14 cities and counties in seven provinces, including Tianjin, Shijiazhuang and Baoding of Hebei province, and Suqian of Jiangsu provnice in February.

During the inspection, the teams have found serious problems including relaxed supervision of local environmental protection bureaus and polluting companies producing against the bans, among the 42 problems released on Thursday.

For example, Huayi Company in Suqian of Jiangsu province, has produced coated glasses without any de-nitration equipment, thus emitted excessive dust and nitrogen oxides into the air. Besides, the city environmental protection bureau has made punishments to the company, which has yet been implemented.

The ministry also said they will continue to conduct the inspection in different provinces every month to control the pollution.

In the latter part of March, the inspection will be focused on Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province, with assistance of remote sensing satellites and unmanned drones.

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