China / Society

Online stores sell shirts modeled on escapee's

By Zhang Xi ( Updated: 2014-09-15 16:46

Some online stores in China have started to sell green T-shirts similar to the one worn by Gao Yulun, the last recaptured escapee of three inmates who escaped from a detention center early this month. The three allegedly killed a policeman to escape from the center in Yanshou county, Heilongjiang province.

Gao was captured last week and T-shirts in the style he was wearing when seized appeared in quite a few online shops soon after. The garments were advertised as "Following Freedom", "Courage Choice" and even "You're worth it" with the price ranging from tens to hundreds of yuan.

The advertisements received varied feedback, with some saying they are unacceptable and immoral. That opinion was echoed by experts, who said such online shops lack a moral bottom line.

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