China / Society

Ten keywords related to China's healthcare

( Updated: 2014-07-25 07:27

Let's face it: the doctor-patient relationship in China is not ideal.

Xiang Yuan, who got high scores in the college entrance examination, or gaokao, told a journalist that her dream had always been to become a doctor but her father didn't let her apply for medical school because he thought a doctor's career is tough, characterized by low income and high risk.

To better understsand the health and well-being of Chinese people, here are ten keywords that can be helpful.


Where do wealthy Chinese go for health care? Abroad

An increasing number of well-heeled Chinese are now flying abroad — especially to the United States — in search of better medical services. As a result, consultancy companies that help Chinese clients negotiate the geographical and language barriers are finding the time is right to expand their business at a more ambitious pace.

Firms going the extra distance as medical tourism blossoms

Ten keywords related to China's healthcare

Advertisements for cosmetic surgery in South Korea. CHINA DAILY 

Medical tourism, once the exclusive preserve of the rich, is growing and changing as hospitals and clinics offer farflung patients advantages hard to come by at home-whether it be high-tech therapy, less-expensive care or alternative treatments.

In China, home to a growing number of traveling patients, more foreign medical tourists are seeking care either to save money or for such treatments as traditional Chinese medicine.

Foreign training rewards doctors

No 1 Hospital Affiliated to Guangxi Medical University has boosted its medical standards by sending doctors to study and train abroad.

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