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China Daily Website

China matches Japan on TV shipments

Updated: 2013-02-22 20:48
By Gao Yuan (

For the first time, Chinese color TV makers matched their Japanese rivals on market share in shipments in the fourth quarter of 2012 amid stable domestic demand, industry researchers said.

Chinese and Japanese brands each captured about 23 percent of the global color TV market share, China Business News reported. It cited Zhang Bing, research director with industry consultant firm NPD DisplaySearch.

Demand from Japan, the European Union and the United States declined in the past year, while sales in China were steady, presenting domestic manufacturers with a good opportunity to seize market share, DisplaySearch said.

Domestic brands such as TCL, Hisense Group and Skyworth Group are among the world's top manufacturers in terms of shipments.

China is the world's largest TV manufacturer, with strong output from domestic and overseas-branded plants.
