China / Government

Wen calls for closer co-op with Argentina

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-06-26 05:56

BUENOS AIRES - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said here Monday that China is ready to further strengthen cooperation with Argentina to enrich their strategic partnership.

Wen made the remarks in a meeting with Argentine Vice President and President of the Senate Amado Boudou and President of the Chamber of Deputies Julian Dominguez. Dozens of other lawmakers also attended the meeting.

Wen said that, as a major Latin American country, Argentina is a nation abundant with natural and human resources and that China and Argentina share growing mutual interests and have broad prospects for friendly and mutually-beneficial cooperation.

China attaches great importance to Argentina's significant influence in international and regional affairs, Wen said.

He added that China would like to take the opportunity of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of China-Argentina diplomatic ties to strengthen high-level exchanges with Argentina, enhance their political mutual trust and promote pragmatic cooperation.

China, he said, also expects the two sides to keep close coordination on major international issues, deepen exchanges and cooperation in culture, education, science and technology and tourism among others, so as to continue to enrich their strategic partnership.

It is hoped that the two countries' legislatures would strengthen their mutual support and exchanges to make greater contribution to the continuous development of China-Argentina bilateral ties, Wen said.

Boudou and Dominguez said that, since the two countries established diplomatic ties 40 years ago, Argentina and China have carried out fruitful cooperation that has promoted the development of both countries.

Argentina and China are strategic partners that trust and support each other, and it is Argentina's strategic decision to give priority to the development of relations with China, they said.

Wen's current visit is of historic significance and will surely deepen the friendly and mutually-beneficial cooperation between the two countries, they said.

Argentina is ready to strengthen exchanges with China, expand cooperation in such fields as agriculture, economy and trade, infrastructure and culture to benefit both peoples, they added.

The Argentine National Congress, they said, will play an active role in facilitating such a process.

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