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  • Multinationals increase M&A activity

    2012-12-14 10:07

    China's market potential has attracted a growing number of multinationals seeking M&A deals in a wide range of sectors.

  • Consumers hold the key to growth

    2012-12-13 09:36

    China's economic expansion will depend on domestic demand maintaining 7 to 8 percent growth year-on-year in the next decade, as exports may see single-digit growth in the long term amid the dim global outlook, Bank of China said on Wednesday.

    Consumption, combined with investment, will boost the world's second-largest economy by 8 percent in 2013, with a slight rebound of inflation to 3 percent, according to the report, released on Wednesday.

  • Shanghai reclaims top spot

    2012-12-13 09:18

    Shanghai has reclaimed the title "Best City for Business" after three years, a Forbes magazine ranking showed on Wednesday.

  • 'No room for over-optimism'

    2012-12-12 09:29

    Although a slew of improving economic indicators have suggested that the growth of the world's second-largest economy is back on track, no over-optimism is allowed because the foundation of such a recovery is not yet well-grounded, experts have warned.

    Power consumption, a barometer of industrial activity, rallied in November to a 9 percent year-on-year increase, extending the acceleration to two months in a row and signaling a stabilizing industrial sector.

  • Income gap remains high, report shows

    2012-12-11 10:22

    China faces extraordinary inequality in its social distribution system, but the government still has adequate options to deal with the problem.

  • Xi's visit signals reform support

    2012-12-11 03:13

    In what is being widely interpreted by analysts as a political signal, Xi Jinping conducted his first official trip as new Party chief to Guangdong, the southern province where China's market-oriented reforms were launched.

    Due to its proximity to Hong Kong, Guangdong was chosen as the testing ground by Deng Xiaoping three decades ago for "reform and opening-up".

  • Chinese firms 'face slower growth' amid gloom

    2012-12-10 08:04

    Chinese enterprises' net income and revenue growth for 2012 fell sharply due to the economic slowdown, Fitch Ratings said in a report.

    According to Fitch's analysis, which is based on a sample portfolio of 40 Chinese corporations, their net income growth fell by 11 percent in 2012.

    The portfolio can be broken down into 15 State-owned enterprises and 25 non-governmental businesses.

  • Bigger global role for RMB in 2013

    2012-12-04 09:39

    Deutsche Bank AG expects the offshore yuan market to maintain rapid growth next year, but has called on the central government to inject more liquidity.

  • The paradox of China's stock market

    2012-11-29 17:23

    The Chinese economy has shown strong signs of stabilizing, but the key Shanghai stock index opened at lowest point in nearly four years on Thursday.
    Brokers feel chill amid stock market slump

  • China set to miss 10% trade target

    2012-11-29 11:16

    China may miss the 10 percent growth target for its trade sector this year, but will see moderate recovery next year amid still sluggish external demand, China's top trade official said on Wednesday.

  • China's economy picking up steam

    2012-11-26 15:50

    "Chinese economy is like a train without a locomotive, losing power all of a sudden and just gliding forward with inertia." This is how some Chinese people have described their economy over the past two years. Now the train is beginning to whistle. After seven quarters of slower-than-usual growth, a reversal appears under way.

    According to figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics, industrial output started picking up in September and October, with a rise of 9.2 percent and 9.6 percent, against 8.6 percent in August.

  • Call for fairer income distribution

    2012-11-26 08:00

    China's low-income level and the widening wealth gap are exerting a negative influence on the country's overall economic development.

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