Beijing's most lauded Spanish restaurant a weekend treat

By Mike Peters ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-01-17 07:10:12

Beijing's most lauded Spanish restaurant a weekend treat

Three desserts. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Our dessert round divided the group of three at our table. The apple crumb with caramel ice cream was fine, but the plate of whipped cream and sour cherries got mixed reviews.

"Nothing to write home about," said one friend of the tart fruits snuggled in the smooth white mountain. I begged to differ, savoring the simplicity of fruit and cream, delivered without the cloying sweetness that a mass of whipped cream leads you to expect.

We found common ground with the creme brulee, universally applauding its perfectly seared top and the cool creamy custard below, studded with seeds of freshly grated vanilla. A triumph, calories be damned.

The free-flow beverage option includes soft drinks, cava (sparkling wine), Spanish mimosas, bloody Marys, sangria and the red and white house wines. The Grand Marnier-laced sangria, pleasantly fizzy, wasn't quite to our taste - there was a hint of lemonade or lemon soda water we eschewed. But we delighted in the house red, a robust Venta Morales tempranillo. The bar boasts a wine list that's 90-percent Spanish, an option we'll have to explore at dinner sometime.

If you go


Weekend brunch hours: Noon-3 pm Saturdays and Sundays

Address: 4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Beilu (North Road)

Phone: 010-5208-6188


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