China / World

Let CPC's voice be heard

(China Daily) Updated: 2017-02-20 15:49

Sunday marked the first anniversary of the remarks on the publicity work of the Communist Party of China made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to some major media outlets. In his remarks, he expounded profoundly on the important role of the media, its responsibilities and mission, giving a powerful stimulus to both the domestic and international significance of journalism.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, Xi has attached great importance to the publicity work and has delivered important guidance to enrich and develop it. Under his direction, the country's media are making unremitting efforts to advance reform and innovation in line with the trends of the times, and adhering to the mission of transmitting positive energy to the public and strengthening people's confidence in their ability to jointly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Reform and innovation are a source of vitality for the CPC's media work. With the rapid development of new media, its publicity work has entered a new social arena. And, whether through the promotion of specific themes or in the coverage of hot issues, the media are focused on telling Chinese stories and spreading the Chinese voice.

Practice tells us that to better communicate with the public and the outside world, the media must adhere to the correct orientation of enriching people's spiritual world and building up their spiritual strength. All media outlets should stay true to their mission and continuously make the CPC's voice heard, so as to consolidate the ideological foundation for unity and the struggle to achieve the Chinese Dream.

Chinese media also have to strengthen the building of China's international communication capacity to make the nation's voice better heard in the international arena and enhance the power of its international discourse.

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