Life / News

Liquor makers pay record penalty

[2013-03-15 09:11]

China's biggest liquor makers, Kweichew Moutai and Wuliangye, have paid a record-high combined fine of 449 million yuan ($71.4 million) for price fixing.

High hopes for new food safety monitoring

[2013-03-15 09:05]

A new nationwide food safety monitoring system to be implemented this year is expected to improve the quality of major food products and restore customer confidence in domestic brands.

46 jailed for selling meat from sick pigs

[2013-03-14 16:49]

A court in East China has jailed 46 people for selling meat from sick pigs.

China will set pace for wine industry growth

[2013-03-11 10:31]

Chinese adults drink an average 1.4 liters of wine in a year, while the country will continue to see the fastest growth in wine consumption.

Keep a kitchen diary and prevent waste

[2013-03-06 09:07]

All of us should keep a kitchen diary, showing how much food leaves our home uneaten, as garbage.

New department devoted to food safety

[2013-03-05 10:53]

A new government department devoted to food safety supervision and the enforcement of associated standards and regulations is certain to improve the quality of what Chinese people eat.

China's restaurant week

[2013-03-05 09:42]

DiningCity, a food website, is offering diners between 30 and 50 percent discount at some of the best restaurants in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Taste of the Taj

[2013-03-04 14:25]

The Taj Pavilion attracts diners with elegant decor and obliging staff at all of its three Beijing outlets.

Cuppa at Teakha

[2013-03-04 14:22]

The residential neighborhood between Hollywood and Caine roads in Sheung Wan is experiencing a cafe boom.

Chicken rice, at last

[2013-03-04 14:15]

For years, Southeast Asians living in Hong Kong had complained that no place dishes up hawker-style chicken rice quite like home.

Pakistan embassy celebrates Spring Festival

[2013-03-04 14:00]

Pakistan embassy hosted a cultural evening to celebrate the Lunar New Year and Pakistan Day in Beijing on Feb 28. A number of artists and youths from China and Pakistani diaspora presented cultural performances during the event.

Get a noseful of that old black magic

[2013-03-04 09:12]

If you know one variety of Chinese tea, it's very likely to be the Qimen black tea.

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