
What pictures can tell about father and son

By Ruan Fan ( ) Updated: 2016-06-19 08:53:31

What pictures can tell about father and son

Father and son, 2011, France. [Photo provided to]

Do you have any memorable moments during the shooting of the project? Or stories to tell?

I will tell two stories that occurred during the shooting of the project in China. I remember there was this little three-year-old boy who didn't want his photos taken. He refused to remove his T-shirt. The father spoke to him for a long time until the child finally agreed to the shoot. I sensed that this shoot was very important for the father, who was more than 60 years old and had a very serious illness. There was this other father who came in with his teenaged son and his old and dependent father, during the shoot this man was deeply touched and very solemn. I do not know what happened in his life, because I do not speak Chinese, but I know he wanted those photos. Those two examples show what interests me the most, that the father and son who came in for the shoot are also doing it for their own benefit. I do not need to know their reasons, it's enough for me to feel the intensity of their motivations.

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